ewen.chou echo chamber

Bye-Bye Yahoo (... Finance API)

Thanks to killerbutterfly2 on Github, I found out that the Yahoo Finance API endpoint that I used when I wrote ASKing for Stock Quotes has gone away. Which (of course) meant that my Alexa Skill stopped working as well.

After combing through Internet search results (all of them were out-of-date) for longer than I care to admit, I finally gave up trying to find an alternative API that was free and easy-to-use.

Then it dawned on me that there are tons of developers out there smarter than me (duh, Ewen). So instead of searching Google, I started searching Github and found the googlefinance Python module. It’s really easy to use and actually makes the Alexa Skill way simpler.

I’ve updated my Alexa Skill repo on Github. Please feel free to check it out.

Please send feedback & follow me on Twitter @ewenchou

You can find code for my projects on Github